Sunday 25 September 2016

Creating and re-creating

For a while I stayed put. No creations, no crafts, nothing new.
My mind was all over the place, but not in the right place.

Many readings, many expectations about myself without any clear direction.
Where am I? What should I do? What the steps for change? Or better, what do I need to change to recreate a better version of myself (Yes, Madonna, you are right we can always change).

In one of those days of poor me I decided to watch Tony Robbins - I am not your guru. Something clicked. 
I just realised that there is nothing out there, but all inside myself. I am the only one capable of finding what is missing. And some how I now did. So, thank you Mr Robbins, don't know what is your magic, but worked. One day I hope to have the dollars to attend one of your seminars. 

I feel better when I am creating something, using my hands and imagination.  I've done dolls, candles,  jackets, paper dolls, painting, crochet, knitting....and the amount o crafting stuff I have in my house...yeah, I could open a shop.

My contact with nature is also vital to uplift my mood, so now, I spend literally hours in my garden. Sometimes just pulling weeds; and that is in itself very releasing. To each one, I pull a bad memory, a not so nice person, a reaction from me that it was not a positive one... Then comes the best part of it: planting the good thoughts. Flowers, new succulents, geraniums, iris...each one represents a positive new thought and the deep belief that things will be fine.

Oh lost the line...back to creating. I did my first batch of natural soaps. So simple and so relaxing.
Milk goat base, milk, olive oil, honey and oats. No chemicals to colour, no fragrance. It smells really nice and is a natural moisturising.

I am embracing a  new journey, an interior soulful one and the feeling is amazing. I will keep digging the weeds, planting new flowers and doing lots of soaps.

What weeds are you pulling out today:)?